Robert Kiyosaki- Supporter of the Network Marketing Industry- By: Zebda Horatio

Description : Robert Kiyosaki - Network Marketing Advocate.

Robert Kiyosaki is one of the generally recognized names both on and offline,why is that?

Maybe one reason is possibly due to the alternative nature of his opinions, and view that passive income is paramount; a belief shared by Network Marketers.

Writer, entrepreneur, flourishing business man, multi-millionaire and champion of the MLMIndustry, he provides a glimpse into the activities of a flourishing entrepreneur and the connected thought processes crucial for success.

It should come as no surprise, that many of his ideas ,methods and views run contrary to the usual wisdom of the accepted educational establishment : work relentlessly, obtain good grades in order to get hold of a safe steady job with benefits.

In today's economy it's worth appreciating the notion of a safe,secure job is fading fast.

As the writer of 15 books, (havingsold more than26 million copies!!) he demonstrates the unusual skill of turning involved concepts into plain English. An enlightening viewpoint as the rest of the world appears to be travelling in the opposite direction taking immense pleasure in making things so hard to understand, we want an ever escalating array of "experts" to explain them.

If somebody is feeling lost in the financial jungle and earnestly seeking the "EXIT" notice, Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad" book series, allows an exceptional spot to plan an escape route.

However, before this escape route can be planned, it's indispensable to know the rules of the game. In his books he talks of individual responsibility, financial literacy, definitions of assets and liabilities together residual income and cash-flow creation.In Kiyosaki's estimation ,CASH-FLOW is king.

It is this conception of passive ( residual) income, that attracts many individuals to the MLM industry.

Actually he is such an enthusiastic supporter of the MLM industry , that in response to the question, "if you had to start over again what would you do differently ?"- he replied he would look for success via the networking opportunity, as it allows an easier and less risky path to financial independence.

So what does the MLM business offer?

Primarily 2 key ingredients lacking in the traditional "job" route:

1. Leverage

2. Passive cash-flow (residual income)

Appreciating the concepts of leverage and passive cash-flow, (via an automated routine) allows an individual to design and live the lifestyle they wish.

As an tutor, Kiyosaki advocates building your own financial protection via economic understanding and business ownership rather than through the route of an employee;he suggests building and owning the system, rather than working in and for it.

Nonetheless, it is fair to state only a few people are prepared to step out of the crowd and chase down their dreams and it is for these select few that Networking opens the door to success and financial independence.

In most businesses a steady flow of likely customers/ business partners is fundamental, and the MLM opportunity is no different.

There are 2 significant obstacles to overcome:

1. Lack of Leads.

2. Lack of cash-flow.

Usually by overcoming the first, the second is pretty much licked as well.

Many of the ideas Kiyosaki discusses revolve around ever-increasing financial aptitude and creating assets to create passive CASH-FLOW. Cash -flow is king and building an ongoing residual income through Networking is fundamental to financial independence.

Article Source :

Author Resource : This Review of Robert Kiyosaki-Network Marketing Advocate is by Bob White. Bob White is a successful Network Marketer ranking in the top 1.5% of distributors in his Primary Business , having helped many others to success along the way. To learn his MLM secrets visit A Route To Wealth